Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Alkaline Ionized Water - Cancer Can't Live in Alkaline Ph-Level

Physical Therapy Prerequisites - Alkaline Ionized Water - Cancer Can't Live in Alkaline Ph-Level Advertisements
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Do you know about - Alkaline Ionized Water - Cancer Can't Live in Alkaline Ph-Level

Physical Therapy Prerequisites! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Alkaline ionized water the best water to cure many diseases and to avoid cancer. As mentioned in the Cancer Regime to keep the Ph-level alkaline by drinking alkaline ionized water is the best you can do for your health. In a alkaline cell environment cancer cells for example can't live or grow. The immune principles will boost up and is able to fight viruses, infections, bacteria and parasites best and stronger. When we comprehend the fact that every man develops hundreds or thousands of cancer cells every day it is easy to understand that the Ph level is one of the most important measures.

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How is Alkaline Ionized Water - Cancer Can't Live in Alkaline Ph-Level

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Prerequisites.

The body fluids are highly toxic and this is the best fertile ground for cancer and many other diseases. The table below shows some of the coarse soft drinks pH and the pH of Battery acid and Alkalized Ionized Water.

Balancing the pH Testing the pH Level Alkaline foods for pH balance Claude Bernard: Meridian vigor / pH Balancing the pH

The term pH stands for "potential" of "Hydrogen". It is the number of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. The more ions, the more acidic the solution. The fewer ions the more alkaline (base) the solution. Ph is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with seven (7) being neutral. The lower the pH number the more acidic it is and the higher the number the more alkaline. For example, a pH-level of 3 is more acidic than a pH-level of 5 and a pH-level of 9 is more alkaline than a pH-level of 6. Drinking alkaline ionized water daily will help to balance and growth the ph-value.

As humans, a general pH-level of all tissues and fluids of the body (except the stomach) is slightly alkaline. The most indispensable pH is in the blood. All other organs and fluids will fluctuate in their range in order to keep the blood at a accurate pH between 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline). This process is called homeostasis. The body makes constant adjustments in tissue and fluid pH to sound this very narrow pH range in the blood.

Diet is probably the most important change. Avoid the over consumption of meat, alcohol, soft drinks, caffeine, coffee, most nuts, eggs, vinegar, sauerkraut, ascorbic acid, cheese, white sugar and medical drugs. Add more ripe fruits, vegetables, bean sprouts, water, milk, onions, figs, carrots, beets, and miso to your diet.

Testing the pH Level

Testing saliva is the most effective way to gauge the body's pH. To test saliva: Wait 2 hours after eating. Spit into a spoon. Dip the strip. Read immediately. Use the color chart from the accurate indication. An optimal reading is 7.5. This indicates a slightly alkaline body.

To test urine: Test a urine sample first thing in the morning. Fill a small cup with urine, and dip a strip into the cup. Read immediately. Results: 7.0 is neutral. A reading of 6.5 is slightly acidic. A reading below 6.5 is very acidic. Note: A reading of 8.0 or above, while common, indicates a body that is too alkaline. Urine is slightly more acidic than saliva. [from pH strip producer: Phion, Inc.]

About Balancing the pH

People with painful deposits in any place in their feet may have a morning urine pH of 4.5! At 4.5 it may be safe to guess that a lot has precipitated again in the night. While the day, your body's pH may swings back and forth. The urine gets quite alkaline right after a meal; this is called the alkaline tide. Three meals a day would bring you three alkaline tides. While these periods, chronic about an hour, you have an opening to dissolve some of your foot deposits. But if you allow your pH to drop too low in the night you put the deposits back again. The net result decides whether your deposits grow or shrink.

Items traditionally used to help nutritionally support the general pH level of the body. The use of these items is a traditional use that is not intended to be prescribed for, to treat or claim to cure any disease, along with diseases connected to high or low pH levels. To alkalinize yourself at bedtime, choose one of these options:

Take calcium (pure calcium carbonate or coral calcium) equaling 750 mg plus 300 mg of magnesium oxide. The magnesium helps the calcium dissolve and stay in solution. Taking more calcium at one time is not advised because it cannot be dissolved and absorbed anyway and might constipate you. For the elderly only one calcium tablet is advised. Take calcium tablets with vitamin C or lemon water to help dissolve (1⁄4 tsp. Vitamin C powder; adding honey is fine). One cup of sterilized milk or buttermilk, drunk hot or cold, plus 1 magnesium oxide tablet, 300 mg. (adding cinnamon is fine). If these two remedies work for you, your morning urinary pH will come up to 6.0 but if for some fancy they don't, you may need to take more drastic measures. Take the supplements and milk earlier in the day and support bedtime for: Get Balanced Bicarb Antacid (made from two parts baking soda and one part potassium bicarbonate). This potion may also be beneficial in occasional allergic reactions. Take 1 level tsp. In water at bedtime. If your pH reaches 6 in the morning continue each night at this dose. If it does not, take 1 1⁄2 tsp. Keep watching your pH, since it will moderately normalize and you will need less and less.

This is a short list of alkaline foods for pH balance:

Lemons/ Watermelon - pH 9.0 Bell pepper, kelps, mango, melons, parsley, papaya, seaweeds - pH 8.5 Apples, apricots, grapes, fruit juice, avocados, bananas, vegetable juice, peas - pH 8.0 Mushrooms, onions, almond, egg yolks, tofu, soy milk, vinegar, tomato, cucumber, coconut, brown rice - pH 7.5

These are a few coarse things that leave an acid ash in the bloodstream:

Most tab water - pH 7.0 Distilled water - pH 6.5 Purified water, fruit juice with sugar, cigarette, tobacco, wine - pH 6.0 White rice, beef, white flour, sugar, yogurt (sweetened) - pH 5.5

Acid pH:

- Reverse Osmosis Water, coffee, white bread - pH 4.0 - Cola, soft drinks, beer, hard spirits - pH 3.0 - Car battery acid - pH 1.0

Acid producing activities and emotions:

Overwork, anger, fear, jealousy, stress physical, stress emotional, Alkalize your body with alkaline diets and alkaline water

Stick to alkaline diets while minimizing intake of acid-forming foods Eat more greens and reds Drink at least 1.5l alkaline water every day Aerobic activities, yoga, tai chi, walking, swimming, rebounding and a obvious mind are alkaline inducing.

Keep the body in optimal wholesome state:

1) The acid-alkaline balance, or pH balance or Yin-Yang balance in terms of traditional Chinese Medicine, of the body is indispensable to optimal health. It is said that Taoists, Qigong masters and Yogis all live a balanced, harmonized and alkaline life. Acidified body, imbalance, and bodily weakness caused by poor diet and soft drinks, stress and toxic environment are very coarse among most Americans.

Microstructure, electron-rich, reducing alkaline water is the smallest antioxidant in molecular size, thus drinking alkaline water is the simplest and most effective way to neutralize free radicals, acidic waste and carcinogen and flux out the accumulated toxins which are all electron-loving and contribute best hydration to each cell in the body.

Positive effects of being alkaline and hydrated:

2) Blood is one of the fluid systems that are constantly trying to sound a pH of 7.4 (slightly alkaline). Being slightly alkaline means the blood cells and body tissues are highly oxygenated, and in optimal state to neutralize and detoxify the metabolic waste and toxins and you will be in a state of:

Vibrant wholesome body Enhanced immunity High vigor level Sharp mind and brain performance Shining looking wholesome skin Positive emotional state

The pH balance is one of the most important measures to avoid disease at first and build up a strong functioning immune system. Cancer patients for example are all the time toxic (without exemption!) and most of the time eating the wrong food and having emotional stress or other stress connected issues.


Pulsating vigor Resoance Therapy ( Perth ):

vigor buildup and meridian (organ) balancing (Perth) faultless body detoxification - naturally and soft pH normalization medicine & prevention of over 200 dis-ease conditions Increased cell metabolism Blood pressure normalization

Using Perth-therapy, a indispensable base on alternating electromagnetic fields, these regulation processes can be stimulated bio-energetically. Stimulation takes place by means of biological resonance effects. A prerequisite, however, is that this artificially generated electromagnetic field exactly reproduces undisturbed nature of the accurate extent.

In expanding to the accurate frequency, magnetic field vigor and pulse shape are decisive ability features for the therapeutically efficiency of a magnetic field therapy unit. The organism only "understands" signals whose magnetic field vigor is within the range of the physiological threshold-in the so-called "Adey window" or "Biological-window". The alternating voltages and currents induced by the Perth therefore exactly correspond to those which a wholesome body produces itself.

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