Friday, August 3, 2012

Our Incessant Need to Know Mode of Cosmic Therapy How To Deal With thinking Distracting Intrusion

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Prerequisites For Physical Therapy! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Mode of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Psychology: The Unconscious Desire to be Deceptively Entertained

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How is Our Incessant Need to Know Mode of Cosmic Therapy How To Deal With thinking Distracting Intrusion

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Prerequisites For Physical Therapy.

We, humans, are gluttonous insatiable creatures, who desire more than anyone else: knowledge. Except that we immediately stop breathing, the traditional driving impetus in all of us is the need, desire and 'risk everything in our lives' craving to be informed.

We want to know! We need to be 'on top of it'. We don't want to be left out in the dark, cold or on the angle while the other fellow passes us by. No other fate, do we feel, would hurt as much as 'being the last one to know!"

The hideous unpalatable idea of being deceived does not 'sit good' with any of us. Whether the deception comes from a marital partner, romantic lover, family member, close friend, business associate, and/or intermediary affiliate in one of the many working accommodations we have to interact with each and every day, we want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

But, the gross facts are, credibility does not come automatically stamped upon another person's heart and mind.

We have been, shall be and will continue to be deceived numerous times. Why? Because if the real truth be known, it's all part of the insidious game of life; whereby we learn quite honestly from our basic reactions, consequential interactions and sonorous contractions.

We will inevitably learn, but not without a lot of 'kicking and screaming' that we are not the victim to a horrendous task but a voluntary participant in the diagram of dishonesty.

"Oh! No." I hear you defensively reply. "I was, am not, nor shall I ever be part of any action that is not thoroughly honest and above board." Let us get right to the point: beguilement, obscuring and a clear 'lust of result' demands dishonesty. In other words, we want something from the very beginning of any involvement, arrangement, attraction, transaction and/or relationship.

And, should that desire be thwarted in way, shape fashion or form, we immediately set about to blame the other for fooling us, doing us wrong, taking benefit and leaving us to hold the bag.

Isn't that so appropriately suitable to condemn the other for his/her actions while we politely, inconspicuously, 'naturally and conveniently' dismiss our own befuddled participation?

In other words, we want to blame person or something for our refusal to accept the lot of callous refrain. Let us not forget, that somewhere along the line, we were a very willing participant to the plan, engagement, affair, ageement and/or uncomely situation.

No one is out to get us, do us in, take us down or betray our trust without us being in the same bi-lateral proposition. We exchanged 'something' in hopes of 'something' in return.

In the end, we got 'something'; Whether that be knowledge, wisdom, palpate and hopefully perceptive comprehension of the human race, along with us as the source of our own problematic dilemmas, the gift from the human 'frailty parody' horse was well woth his oats for supper.

Let me make myself a miniature more clearly perceived: if we are complicated (our part) in a romantic involvement whereby we are clinging, jealous and insecure, then the mate's part to play is the one of being boldly confidently disinterestedly disconnected.

And, if my part of the association is to 'chase' the partner, his/her part is to run. Ring a bell? Our transactions are the direct reflection of what is needed for our costly ruthless soul to palpate earth life in every capacity of emotional intrigue. Fortunately or unfortunately, it's called balance.

We must and do have a part physics' balance in every action, Whether we are able to identify and appreciate the electrically charged esoteric value at the time.

Now, let us not hide in obscurity; all along we have clues, indications, signs, symbols, omens, flickers of doubt, but because we are so grievously greedy and 'give me instantaneous pleasure' (or at least the promising idea that I am going to have it someday) wantonness in our predilections, we shut down those [still small voices] of redemptive grace.

But, like anyone else in the land of mechanical roses of insipid balancing beams, promises are made to be broken. Promise nothing, no time! Just place one foot in the front of the other and walk:"Be where your feet are".

If we do or don't do is inherently not our call. We may be dead in the next miniature with the promised compulsion unfilled. The point is: All things happen honestly and exactly as they are suppose to unfold with nothing to be added or taken away. It's just how it is!

We continually engage in these priceless studying scenarios of searching for the truth in order to support, keep and systematically imagine our human walk among the many elusive elements of our conditioned personal conflicted convictions.

We are working through the fallacies of our own creation in spite of our instance of being wronged by the cleverly disguised ploys we have set in motion.

Yes, we seek for truth. At all costs, in every approachable way and foreboding manner, but are unable to identify it. If we know beforehand what the outcome would, should or could be, the corollary is a miniature blurred and tained. The prerequisite is called being without inferred anticipation condition or contrived outcome.

Have no preferences in our deals (be they romantic or business) with total unconditional acceptance of the precluded result.

The inquire of being deceived is impossible as is the anticipation of be cheated, lied to and renounced. The unmistakable knowledge is effortlessly ready in every darting movement of the eyes, temperature of the hands, gait of the legs, and tone of the voice. No need to quest beyond the gift face: ours!

We are mirrored in and on every occasion. The corollary of inflammable wisdom is born in the seed of the first mantra word exchanged. "Hello." No thing, person, place or thing is exempt. A resounding truth bears mocking discover to our need to stay behind the illusion of caring so much and being defined as such a decent person.

But, we Know the difference. We are the only ones who do. We know when we smile and don't honestly want to or pretend as if we are listening while our minds have gone thoroughly blank. We know when miniature agitation immediately enters our body when taking a call that has supposedly interrupted something of monumental importance.

Oh! Yes! We know.

We know the many times we say we'll do something for another but somehow never get colse to to it. And, on and on and on...

Truth is a highly relative term dependent upon the motivation of the seeker, the apparatus of his/her deliriously pleasurable appetite and the relegated emotional delegation of his intent. Even then, the impenetrable truth would not be grasped but merely hinted at.

A suggestive distorted favorite view of it would be accepted, seized and demonstrated in order to validate and keep the gluttonous aim.

So what are we to do with such impending nosiness, incalculable curiosity along with the imponderable desire to be 'on top of things'? Give it a rest. Slow down. Ease up. Forget the race of acquisition and fear of being left out. Do only what we do because we love every second we are engaged in the process; no matter the outcome: good, bad or indifferent.

Unadulterated Impersonal Passion be our only chariot to ride!

We are unimpeachable tantalizing warriors of grave descent and exalted ascent while we breathe the air of our imponderable inquisitive journeys; stalking the prey of our desired intellectual proclivities, spiritual dynasties, bodily travesties, mortal fallacies, and financial atrocities.

Spiraling onward, roundward, downward and upward! Drive imperceptibly sacredly sensually sexually artistically creatively aroused no matter the direction or destination.

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