Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Sacred Sensual Sexual Artistic Song Is Heard - You're Singing It!

Prerequisites For Physical Therapy - A Sacred Sensual Sexual Artistic Song Is Heard - You're Singing It!
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How is A Sacred Sensual Sexual Artistic Song Is Heard - You're Singing It!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Prerequisites For Physical Therapy.

In the midst this scintillating dilemma called life, no matter the frame of reference in marginal information or number, we, as humans, are faced with the perplexing strangeness to decipher our place in the universe while adhering to our determined sacred sensual sexual artistic personalities.

Through the onslaught of complicated, conflicted, sometimes, debilitating factors, (involvement/relationships) linked while being alive; we are chastised and commissioned with the charitable duty to function in some sort of productive, caring, interested, loving, meaningful way. It's all part of studying how to have genuine human experience.

A excellent unforgettable song is heard, remotely familiar, but incapable of naming the determined notes that make up the tune, we formulate the buildings of our incalculable lives based on its incomprehensible sacred melody. 

Even more so, not without the intellectual constrains associated, we are assigned the complex task of studying how to interact with the given environment, romantic affairs, house situations, friends, creative endeavors, careers, educational pursuits, and impending acquaintances without thoroughly giving way to the natural process of influential osmosis (bleeding into of others; remaining independent while living in unity) which is likely to occur without our aware consent or involvement. In other words, we are discovering how to 'sing our own song' regardless of support, encouragement, and/or recognition.

Moreover, when called upon to interact in unexpected situations of indescribable flawlessly maneuvered emotionally draining affairs, do so without a hitch or promise. No doubt, a high order of calling but nonetheless our attempts must be genuine If we are ever going to gain the enduring profoundly relative wisdom of earth life.

At the same time, while this undulating living is taking place, we will note that our body is saying, doing, perceiving, registering, choosing and tabulating things we indubitably no nothing about. From the unconscious level, we are being influenced, prompted, solicited and geared in a direction that may seem totally contradictory to the aware desires we recognizably possess.

Two things are occurring at once: the taming/subduing of our Personal higher animal nature while at the same time finding an sufficient uninhibited free time of creative expression of it in the very midst of its convoluted domain.

Masters of Divine Essence, what we inherently are, forgotten due to a veil of strangeness and fragmented memory of our sacred heritage, inspiringly enthusiastically guides us, most days. But on some days, we feel more like the natural inhabitants of the darkest fiercest diabolical demons known to mankind. God/Goddess (in whatever manner perceived) innately deferring power as humans is no doubt a horrendously humorous distracting entertainment.

How do we, in fact, subdue the very instinctive creative sacred sensual sexual artistic nature that exalts uplifts, inspires and, at the same time, besets us, casting us to the ground? It's called: The lion of Love.

The inscrutable lion who seeks to destroy and devour us naturally because he can is being universally domesticated. Who is this villainous imposter? Some may refer to him as a so called devil. But the fiend is indubitably never any added away-attached to, instilled within- than our own venomous grievous thoughts.

If, in fact, however, the old devil must be transformed and redeemed, then life disparaging compost must be provided. In order to transform something, the precedent hideous residue must be gift beforehand. Something to think about: our lives deliver to us the principal ingredients (scenarios) to overcome because we possess the elements of spontaneously resourceful interruption and distraction to originate them.

How incredibly ingenuous: divinity-working straight through the human form- having imperceptibly disguisedly impregnated the scenes, then straight through impervious calculated deceptive believable ploys conquers himself/herself/itself because of it.

Wow! By inventing and entertaining straight through his/her/its own ploys of considered devised deceptive-marvelously wonderfully construed (beast, fool, victim, martyr, hero) definitive roles-hallowed evolution continues in as much as we understand and can appreciate the charm and grace of it.

We are all part of an intricately unfathomably devised plan of sanctified disguise thereby propelling progressive evolving galactic movement. We, as the conflicted demonstrating partners in celestial experimental evolving emotional/physical/mental crimes of passion, are able to win at the game without force of will by voluntarily submitting to something beyond ourselves without any guarantee or lust of results.

We are able to partake, conduce and live the song of inestimable glory by returning an expanded quested measure in the ineffable purpose of the glorious fully lived human sacred sensual sexual artistic existence.

How be it that we, as human contributors to the enormously incandescent envisioned inconceivable plan, mouth with ourselves, doubting the very existence of our purpose for drawing breath, condemning our lives in an almost frivolous fashion be so irrefutably discontent?

The expanded sacred sensual sexual artistic avenues of creative expression are limitless! We possess the sanctified unlimited power of self-governing affect to do what we will. The nebulously formulated protocol is solely considered by us, straight through us, in us and nearby us at our beckon call. But, we must be willing to surrender the idea of any personal gain or betterment. This is as good as it gets!

Our palatial menagerie of undeniable sacred sensual sexual artistic passions awaits our divulging and demonstrating. The unstated prerequisite to the consecrated creative liberated unfolding demands of us to possess: "no lust of result." We are not to be swayed, influenced or coerced by the fatuous questions and compliments of others.

We are to do what we do because we love it and for no other rationale reason. We can not speculate ourselves out of terror, despair, or agony of debilitating memory anymore than we can attribute the ascending glory attached to so called flourishing fleeting accomplishments. In other words, we are not to be carried away by our own intoxicating lure of entitlement, or self-congratulatory smiles.

We are naturally to engage in the most passionately invoked version of our glorious sacred sensual sexual artistic song of celestial magnitude in gracious celebration, exaltation and gratitude. After that, it's all done but the sheer inexpressible delight of mere seductive innocent breathing.

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