Monday, June 4, 2012

Yoga, Flexibility

Prerequisites For Physical Therapy - Yoga, Flexibility
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Do you know about - Yoga, Flexibility

Prerequisites For Physical Therapy! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A uncut flexibility agenda can be used as a stand alone practice program. But if you are going to pursue other forms of exercise, Flexibility exercises should be carefully a prerequisite to all forms of exercise.

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How is Yoga, Flexibility

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Prerequisites For Physical Therapy.

This means that before undertaking any meticulous workout habit (this includes yoga), you need a bottom-line level of flexibility and body awareness which a good flexibility habit provides. This habit allows for continued improvement in any action by keeping you loose and insures against generally occurring injuries.

The above stated should be obvious. Anything who has participated in any type of strenuous workout knows the pain often associated to the practice itself and also the following tightening up or stiffening of the body soon afterward. This is because exercises made up of repetitive movements tend to bulk and shorten muscles.

This means that the joints and diaphragm / pelvic hinges these muscles cross like rubber bands, will begin to distort. This action causes acute and persisting pain, maybe temporarily relieved by the workout but unless specifically and rightly addressed, ends in injury to the joints, the soft tissue (including muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia) or both.

As muscles shorten, compensations begin occurring throughout the structural body (skeleton) resulting in loss of mobility and flexibility and destroying any chance the body has of challenging in a geometrically precise, fluid manner. This loss of mobility snowballs, again ending in injury (or too much hurt to continue exercising) if the shortening exercises (running, cycling, etc.) are kept up.

As for yoga, generally speaking, one fault lies in its ignorance of, or neglect in, addressing the diaphragm hinge and the pelvic hinge and the ways in which they were meant to interact with each other. This results in a hyper-erect body capable of contorting itself into many postures but in movement non-fluid and stiff seeing due to the immobility of the two above-mentioned hinges which leads to all manner of back, neck, and shoulder problems.

Too many yoga practitioners are stuck in what resembles the classic forces posture. Also, most forms of yoga tend to be extremely linear in nature, utilizing joints in rather minuscule ranges of motions and overstretching some soft tissue (the tendons and ligaments over the joints) while ignoring rest. Joints need circular movements for optimal health.

Chinese Energetic medicine confirms this by teaching that corporeal force can be increased by circular movement energy. Linear, back and forth movements decrease your strength.

Beginners with inflexible bodies are at extra risk of injury because, in my opinion, yoga is an industrialized method of corporeal therapy and should be participated in only by individuals having achieved a definite level of flexibility and possessing at least a fundamental understanding of body mechanics; and this is where Flexibility comes in.

It's said that yoga asanas, or postures, practice every muscle, nerve, and gland in the body. Practiced properly, a good flexibility habit does all that, and aligns the skeleton, lengthens and organizes the musculature, decompresses the joints, flushes out and fluffs up the cartilage in and nearby the joints, and opens up blocked pathways for fluid and power flows throughout the body. It calms the breath, mind, and body, synchronizes all aspects of our being and allows curative on every level to take place effortlessly.

Now, once more just so I'm not misunderstood, I'm not against yoga. Yoga to me is an industrialized form of movement, and if you can't accomplish basic flexibility movements (which is the foundation of all movement) properly, then you have no firm trying to do yoga, if you don't want to risk hurting yourself or become discouraged. If, after having mastered a uncut flexibility habit and you have an excess of time on your hands to devote to your flexibility, then by all means find a yoga modality and go to it.

While Flexibility work does not completely eliminate the need for bodywork, it does give the practitioner the concepts and abilities to dramatically and efficiently transform and reorganize their own body. In time, most if not all, persisting pain can be diminished and eliminated by the institution of flexibility movements. The Fascial Web can be altered drastically and to such an extent that many visits to therapists and doctors of all kinds, as well as many medications and drugs, can be avoided.

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